Episode 1 Bundle Pack!

Episode 1 Bundle Pack!
Get the Episode 1 Bundle Pack! Includes download of episode, story commentary video, tech commentary video, behind the scenes featurette, and 12 page digital tie-in comic! Run time approx. 40 minutes!



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Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Episode Details for the first episode of the action/thriller anime-inspired superhero series Outlawed Justice!

Below are the details for episode 1 "Born of Flames" of the action/thriller anime inspired superhero series Outlawed Justice!
"Series Premier: MEET BROTHERS TONY AND ALEX OF LIGHTHAVEN CITY! Tony awakens in a burning building, unaware as to what has happened and he can't find Alex. Meanwhile in the past Tony and Alex are living comfortably in the richer East End of Lighthaven City, thanks to Tony's job as a private police officer, but not for long!"

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