Episode 1 Bundle Pack!

Episode 1 Bundle Pack!
Get the Episode 1 Bundle Pack! Includes download of episode, story commentary video, tech commentary video, behind the scenes featurette, and 12 page digital tie-in comic! Run time approx. 40 minutes!



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Monday, September 9, 2013

Outlawed Justice - An animated action thriller without superheroes

Here are two posters featuring some of the cast of Outlawed Justice! From the left to the right we have Alex, Katherine, Darrel, and Tony! With the tagline we're telling you a little bit about our universe: you don't need super powers to be a hero! All you need is that inner warrior that will pull you through any circumstance. It's more than survival, it is championing your cause and doing what you believe is right while coming out on top. Thanks to all of you inner warriors for staying with us! We have a contest coming soon so stay tuned!
These cool guys may not have any super powers, but what if you had super powers? What powers would you have? Tell us in the comments below!

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