Episode 1 Bundle Pack!

Episode 1 Bundle Pack!
Get the Episode 1 Bundle Pack! Includes download of episode, story commentary video, tech commentary video, behind the scenes featurette, and 12 page digital tie-in comic! Run time approx. 40 minutes!



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Friday, November 29, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope everyone had an amazing Thanksgiving! We're having a little holiday season contest where you can have your name put in Episode 3 of Outlawed Justice!

How's that for some holiday cheer?!

 All you have to do is go to the facebook video link below and like it! Nice and simple huh?


 Good luck and Happy Holidays!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Interviews and Auditions!

Just had our second interview, and our first interview as Inner Warrior Studios! We'll let you know more about it when we find out the story is being published. So you fellow Inner Warriors can look forward to learning more about us very soon. Well post up the interview when its up. We're starting to make some strides and tonight we're having more auditions! Lots of exciting things for you guys coming soon!

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween and All Saints Day!

Hope everyone has a fun and safe Halloween and All Saints Day! Here's an awesome Nightmare Halloween-itized version of Thrasher and Super Knight for you all to enjoy!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Parallels: Discovering the Similarities Between Characters

Outlawed Justice is a character driven show that has plenty of drama and tension between its characters, but most of all out has parallels.

Many of the characters will face situations and decisions that may very well put them in parallel with what we may see as the bad guys. But since there is no black and white in our show, the "bad guys" will also have parallels with the heroes!

So who is right and who is wrong? That's up to you to decide!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Progress on Episode 1

Episode 1 is on it's way to being fully animated very soon! Alex and I choreographed our first fight scene of the show as reference material for the animation so it shall look amazing. We also cracked a few bones and almost sliced each other apart, but that's what happens when you do your own stunts!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Warrior and Messenger - Two Superheroes with One Goal...Justice

Warrior...Messenger...Tony...Alex.. Two heroes with two different ways of going about their goals. Yet both need each other to succeed... and to survive. With the only way to bring a true justice being through "Outlawed Justice" the messenger and the warrior must work as one.

What kind of hero are you? A messenger that shows the warrior what's right or a warrior that fights for the wisdom of the messenger? 

Monday, September 30, 2013

Concept Art of Alex Piccirillo - One of the New Superheroes of Lighthaven City

Concept Art of Alex Piccirillo from Outlawed Justice

Here's a quick peek at the concept art of Alex Piccirillo from Outlawed Justice. In the art we get to see Alex's more playful side shine!

We'd also like to mention that J-Stax will be making an track for Outlawed Justice! You can check out his page here: http://www.mtv.com/artists/j-stax/

We've got some exciting things coming soon so stay in touch! Like, subscribe, and follow us to stay updated!

Continue being an Inner Warrior!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Civil Wars Aren't So Civil

"Civil Wars aren't so civil" - a very true line. More men died during the Civil War than in any other conflict America was a part of. That gives you a bit of background on how dire the situation in Lighthaven City is. And just like the Civil War, not everyone is going to make it out alive.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Behind the Scenes Video - Learn About The World of Outlawed Justice

"A city in a state of civil war, the desperate fight the police of the wealthy, citizens find their inner warrior, heroes are born"
Some things we learn:

-Outlawed Justice takes place in the fictional Lighthaven City
-Tony and Alex are brothers that are in the middle of an emerging war between the desperate gangs of the city and the private police owned by the wealthy.
-Tony joins A.C.E - Armed Combat Enforcement, the private police, in order to protect the city
-Alex is going to Lighthaven Community College and finds a connection to both the private police and the desperate through his two best friends
-The only form of justice they can find in order to save the city from itself is Outlawed Justice

And don't forget to join the contest! You can win a poster of your choice! Just answer the question in the video by leaving a comment!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Outlawed Justice - An animated action thriller without superheroes

Here are two posters featuring some of the cast of Outlawed Justice! From the left to the right we have Alex, Katherine, Darrel, and Tony! With the tagline we're telling you a little bit about our universe: you don't need super powers to be a hero! All you need is that inner warrior that will pull you through any circumstance. It's more than survival, it is championing your cause and doing what you believe is right while coming out on top. Thanks to all of you inner warriors for staying with us! We have a contest coming soon so stay tuned!
These cool guys may not have any super powers, but what if you had super powers? What powers would you have? Tell us in the comments below!

Monday, September 2, 2013

The Beginning

Hey there awesome inner warriors! This is the start of a beautiful relationship! Today we begin our journey towards an epic animated action thriller web series that will give you all of the thrills, chills, and maybe even some feels!

Some quick background:

Animator and co-story writer, Alex Piccirillo, once uploaded an animated fan series that had garnered over 240,000 views before it was taken down by WB Entertainment. Now he has teamed up with his co-worker from Meddling Media, Tony Piccirillo, to create the animated action thriller "Outlawed Justice".

In this video we get a very small teaser of what's to come!